Google Ads CRM Integration : An Implementation Guide

In today’s digital landscape, data is king, and leveraging it effectively can make or break your advertising efforts. If your Google Ads account is already well-optimised, the next step to significantly boost performance is integrating your CRM system with Google Ads. In the age of AI, the more data you provide, the better your ads can be optimised, ensuring your advertising spend drives real results.

With data sources becoming the cornerstone of modern advertising platforms, integrating your CRM allows for a more comprehensive understanding of your customer journey, helping you enhance lead tracking, improve lead quality, and ultimately increase sales. This blog will explore the various methods to connect your CRM to Google Ads, from cost-effective solutions to premium offerings, and provide a detailed guide to making this connection work for your business. Whether you are looking to use tools like Zapier or rely on native integrations like HubSpot or Salesforce, we’ll cover the steps and strategies needed to get the most from your CRM and advertising integration.

We will explore both low-cost solutions and premium options to suit larger budgets. For instance, the most affordable solution can be implemented for as little as £20 ($30) per month in software fees.

We’ll also explain how to use Zapier to integrate your CRM with Google Ads, using HubSpot as an example CRM. The same general process would apply to other CRM’s. If your CRM cannot integrate with Google Ads via Zapier, we will also cover how HubSpot can be utilised without the need for Zapier.

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Choosing the Right Google Ads Integration for Your CRM

Before exploring Google Ads CRM integration in detail, it is essential to understand the various scenarios in which businesses might choose between different integration options. These include using tools like Zapier to connect an existing CRM system, selecting a CRM with built-in Google Ads integration (such as HubSpot or Salesforce), a combination of Zapier and native CRM integration, or directly utilising Google’s API. Another option is to use a system with built-in Google Ads integration solely as a marketing automation platform that connects to your existing CRM. You might want to do this if your CRM is built in-house. 

1.) Using Zapier to Connect your Current CRM To Google Ads

If your CRM does not have its integration with Google Ads, and you want a low-cost solution then check out Zapier a cost-effective marketing automation and integration cloud-based tool.

Zapier makes it easy to integrate online the most popular online apps, including most leading CRMs.

With Zapier, you can send offline conversions from your current CRM’s sales cycle stages to Google Ads and sync your updated customer and prospect lists from your current CRM as audiences for Google Ads.

Numerous other options are available, depending on the number of Zap templates supported by your CRM. For example, you can capture leads directly from Google Search using Lead Form extensions and automate follow-up processes, among other features.

Zapier starts at around $25/30 dollars per month. We shall cover Zapier in-depth in this blog post, but if you are still not comfortable setting up the integration, One PPC is here to be of service.

 The below illustration shows a “Zap”- a workflow integration between HubSpot and Google Ads to send offline conversions. The list is a stage of the HubSpot contact (lead) lifecycle. 

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2) Native CRM Integration with Google Ads

Some CRMs such as HubSpot and Salesforce offer prebuilt out-of-the-box integration with Google Ads, making the setup straightforward and quick.

These platforms often provide robust analytics and marketing automation tools that are deeply integrated with Google Ads, enhancing the capabilities beyond just data syncing (e.g. Zapier or basic API integration). This option is the most expensive, but is the most comprehensive – and easier to justify as your ad spend increases. We shall cover some lower cost approaches next.

Hubspot Ad Events Offline Conversion Tracking

3) Using a Combination of Zapier with Starter CRM:

It should be noted that the Starter edition of both HubSpot and SalesForce will lack some Google Ads integration features, so if you dont have the budget to upgrade – you can use Zapier to complement these available starter functions. HubSpot Starter begins at $30 dollars/£25 pounds per month, and Zapier is around the same price. 

As stated above, Starter editions of many CRMs have fewer integration options and can instead use Zapier if they do not have the budget to upgrade to a higher edition license. 

Google Ads Audience Upload Crm Hubspot

4.) Direct Integration Using Google's API:

Larger enterprises with dedicated development teams might opt for Google’s API to create a highly customised integration. For example, if you have developed your own CRM in-house for your unique requirements. This approach requires significant technical resources and time.

5) Using a Marketing Automation System and Integrating it with your current CRM

If you have an in-house developed CRM, Zapier won’t have premade templates for integrating with Google Ads. This leaves you with the option of using Google’s API. However, there is another option to consider: you can retain your existing CRM while using a system like HubSpot purely as a marketing automation tool that connects to it. For example, many companies that use Salesforce integrate HubSpot Marketing Hub as part of their overall solution

Considerations in the Choice of a CRM:

If you don’t have a CRM or are dissatisfied with your current one, it may be worthwhile to consider a system like HubSpot or Salesforce, which offer out-of-the-box integration with Google Ads. This can be especially beneficial if Google Ads is your primary source of leads and sales. These platforms not only provide advanced features, but also eliminate the need for additional tools due to their built-in Google Ads integration.


Choosing the right integration method depends largely on your business size, technical capacity, specific needs, advertising budget and the strategic importance of Google Ads in your marketing efforts. Each option offers distinct advantages and potential limitations, making it essential to assess which integration aligns best with your organizational goals and resources.

In this blog post, we are going to focus on using Zapier to integrate your CRM with Google Ads, and we shall use the HubSpot starter edition as an example CRM. The same principles would apply to other CRM’s that integrated with Zapier.

Ad Audiences

What is Google Ads Integration with CRM?

Integrating Google Ads with a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system is a strategy that aligns your digital advertising campaigns with detailed customer insights stored within the CRM. This integration allows UK businesses to enhance their marketing efforts in several key ways:

Data Sharing: This integration facilitates the seamless exchange of information between Google Ads and the CRM system. For example, when a potential customer interacts with an ad and completes a form, their details are automatically stored in the CRM, where they can be managed and nurtured effectively.

Offline Conversion Tracking (OCT): By connecting Google Ads with the CRM, it’s possible to accurately track conversions that are initiated from ads. This involves importing conversion data from the CRM back to Google Ads, offering a more detailed analysis of campaign effectiveness.

Audience Targeting and Personalisation: Access to detailed CRM data enables businesses to create highly personalised and targeted ad campaigns. This data allows for segmentation of audiences based on previous interactions, purchases, or behaviours, which can then be utilised to customise the advertising experience on Google Ads.

Enhanced ROI Measurement: Integrating Google Ads with your CRM system enables you to attribute revenue and other conversion metrics directly to specific campaigns, providing a clearer picture of the return on investment (ROI) from your advertising expenditures.

Optimisation and Automation: This integration can lead to better optimisation and automation of marketing efforts. For instance, certain customer actions recorded in the CRM, like a recent purchase or expressed interest in a product, can automatically trigger specific, tailored advertising campaigns on Google Ads.

Overall, integrating Google Ads with CRM systems closes the gap between marketing and sales, ensuring that advertising efforts are supported by the most current and comprehensive customer data. This leads to more efficient marketing spend and an enhanced customer experience, driving better business outcomes.

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Benefits of Using CRM Ads with Google Ads

Integrating CRM with Google Ads can significantly enhance your advertising strategy by leveraging own data alongside the targeting abilities provided by Google Ads. Here are the key benefits of using CRM integration with Google Ads:

Improve Lead Quality:

Lead quality optimisation is perhaps the primary reason to connect your CRM to Google Ads. If you rely solely on online conversion tracking for Google Ads, you are optimising for the highest quantity of leads without considering their quality. This bidding strategy is known as Target CPA, or Max CPA. You set a target CPA, which is the average cost per lead that you will pay, and this results in the highest number of leads.

By using offline conversion tracking, you can sync your contact lifecycle changes back to the ad platform to score lead quality. This lets Google Ads know which leads are more likely to progress into customers and are therefore of the highest quality. For example, if you group your leads into good, average, and poor categories, you can train Google’s AI to acquire more high-quality leads and fewer poor leads by using offline conversion tracking.

This lets you optimise automatic smart bidding (machine learning) to focus on acquiring high-quality leads, ensuring the AI prioritises the best quality leads, thereby reducing lower-quality leads.

This approach ensures that your advertising efforts yield more valuable leads, ultimately improving your campaign’s overall effectiveness and ROI.

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Improved Measurement, Tracking and Reporting

Most companies are eager to increase their advertising spend; however, they also seek to ensure they are achieving the highest possible return on investment (ROI). With many interactions and sales comprising both online and offline activities, it becomes challenging to discern what is effective and what is not.

By leveraging the combined reporting capabilities of Google and CRM first-party data, you can refine your advertising efforts, attain superior outcomes, and drive business growth. This integration furnishes valuable insights and tools to amplify the impact of your Google Ads campaigns using your proprietary data.

CRM integration amalgamates Google’s data with your marketing data, providing a cohesive view of your campaign performance. This integration enables you to make informed decisions and hone your strategy by monitoring both standard online metrics, such as click-through rates and conversions, and offline metrics related to your sales funnel progression.

These metrics encompass cost per Marketing Qualified Lead (MQL), Sales Qualified Lead (SQL), deal, customer, and overall advertising ROI. This comprehensive approach to reporting ensures you have a lucid understanding of your campaign’s efficacy across all stages of the sales funnel.

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Audience Targeting Improvements

Google offers a range of retargeting options, including Display Remarketing, YouTube Remarketing, and Search Remarketing, to reach people who have already interacted with your brand, such as through a website visit or a marketing event.

To go beyond the standard targeting options within Google Ads, CRM lists can refine your messaging to reach the right person at the right time. Share lists from your CRM to Google, including contact emails and website cookies. This approach expands your reach to cold traffic and strengthens your retargeting efforts. Build a funnel on Google to nurture leads before capturing their details with a lead form on Google or your website.

CRM integrates with Google to share targeting lists including contact lists and website cookie list users. You can combine these audiences with Google’s audience targeting to retarget warm traffic that already knows your brand.

Using HubSpot as an example, use your CRM segmentation tools to create highly targeted audience lists based on detailed criteria such as:

  • When filter criteria are met: Objects will enrol when the criteria are true. For example, when a contact’s city is “Boston,” they can be included on a list with a geographic targeting filter.

  • When an event occurs: Objects will enrol when an event has happened, such as when a form is submitted or a contact revisits your website.
  • HubSpot also allows you to automatically email a contact if they return to your website, enhancing retargeting effectiveness.
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Nurturing Down the Funnel

Use retargeting strategies within your CRM and Google Audience Manager to nurture leads further down the funnel:

  • Website Retargeting: Your CRM audiences enables you to set up retargeting campaigns for users who have visited your website. This helps re-engage users who have shown interest in your brand but have not yet converted.

  • Contact Retargeting: Use CRM audiences to build customer lists for retargeting on Google, including uploading lists of prospect contacts or specific customers you want to target. Once you have captured their contact details, you can use workflows to deliver targeted content and follow-up messages based on user behaviour and engagement history.

By leveraging these retargeting strategies, you can effectively guide prospects through the buyer’s journey, increasing the likelihood of conversion and enhancing overall campaign performance.

Lead Nurturing Workflows Crm Lead Nurturing

CRM Integration Capabilities

CRM integration provides a comprehensive set of functionalities that are not available when advertising campaigns are run without CRM integration. By offering features that align with Google Ads best practices, CRM integration can greatly enhance your advertising efforts. Here’s how CRM integration can help advertisers implement these best practices effectively

Leverage Both Online & Offline Conversion Tracking to Enhance Lead Quantity and Quality

Conversion tracking is a vital tool in Google Ads for measuring success and improving campaign performance to enhance profitability and increase customer sales. Google Ads offers both online and offline conversion tracking.

Google Ads Online conversion tracking helps increase lead quantity,
while Google Ads offline conversion tracking helps improve lead quality.

Most advertisers use online conversion tracking to measure the number of leads generated and the cost per lead. However, more companies are now extending this approach by incorporating offline conversion tracking, as recommended by Google, to gain deeper insights into lead quality and optimise deeper into the funnel than just the initial lead event (conversion).

Online Tracking (Google Conversion Tracking):

Google Ads records the number of people who fill out a form on your website as an online conversion, using the Google Ads online conversion tracking script placed on your site.
Success is measured by the quantity of leads and the cost per lead, which only considers the first step in your sales process (the lead enquiry).

* Google Ads Lead Form Extensions come with a built-in tracking system since the forms are hosted directly on Google. Leads can be synced with your CRM using Zapier if your CRM doesn’t have native integration. Both HubSpot and Salesforce offer out-of-the-box lead-syncing capabilities

Offline Tracking

Not all leads hold the same value—some are far more likely to convert into paying customers. Tracking the customer journey beyond the initial enquiry is crucial for focusing on high-quality leads and optimising your advertising budget more effectively.

Offline Conversion Tracking (OCT) goes beyond capturing initial lead form submissions by tracking the progression of leads after their first contact. With OCT, you can monitor which leads advance to become qualified, move into a deal stage, and ultimately convert into paying customers. Without OCT, your insights are limited to knowing who filled out a form. However, with OCT, you gain valuable information about which businesses scheduled meetings, received quotes, and completed purchases.

By syncing lead lifecycle stage changes with Google, you can score leads using offline conversions. This process tracks leads throughout the sales funnel and adjusts ad spending based on lead quality and revenue, ensuring your advertising budget is utilised efficiently, driving higher ROI, and attracting customers with long-term value.

Optimised Ad Spend:

Allocate more budget towards ads that attract leads similar to those who have previously made purchases. Avoid wasting money on ads that only generate form submissions without further engagement. Knowing which leads convert into high-value customers allows for more strategic budgeting and spending.

Improved Lead Quality Measurement:

OCT enables Google Ads to identify the most valuable leads. Whether you are setting bids manually or using automatic bidding, this integration ensures that your budget is used wisely. Google Ads will prioritise leads that are more likely to convert into paying customers, improving your overall advertising strategy.

Revenue-Based Customer Scoring:

OCT can transmit sales revenue data back to ad platforms, allowing customer scoring based on revenue generated and purchase frequency. This information helps optimise your advertising efforts, leading to better performance and outcomes.

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Tracking Lead Stages as Offline Conversions using HubSpot Ad Events (Lifecycle Stages)

Both HubSpot and Salesforce offer out-of-the-box integration with Google Ads for offline conversion tracking, but these features are not available in the starter plans of either CRM. To access this functionality, you’ll need to upgrade to higher-tier editions such as HubSpot Marketing Hub Pro/Enterprise or Salesforce Pardot. For users on CRM starter plans, Google recommends using Zapier to facilitate offline conversion tracking integration.

Using HubSpot as an example, the Marketing Pro Edition includes a feature called HubSpot Ad Events, which offers robust capabilities to track and optimise Google Ads performance. By syncing lead lifecycle changes back to Google Ads, you unlock enhanced optimisation and reporting through AI-powered machine learning, ensuring that your marketing investments yield measurable results.

HubSpot defines several lifecycle stages to help businesses track and manage the journey of a contact (lead) through the sales funnel. These stages include:

  • Subscriber: A contact who has shown interest in your content and opted in to receive updates, typically by subscribing to a blog or newsletter.
  • Lead: A contact who has demonstrated potential interest in your products or services, often by filling out a form or contacting your business.
  • Marketing Qualified Lead (MQL): A contact identified by the marketing team as ready for sales outreach.
  • Sales Qualified Lead (SQL): A contact vetted by the sales team and deemed ready for direct follow-up.
  • Opportunity: A contact who has entered the sales pipeline and is considered a potential deal.
  • Customer: A contact who has completed a purchase and become a paying customer.

These lifecycle stages allow businesses to better track and optimise their sales funnel, improving the effectiveness of Google Ads and other marketing efforts.

Hubspot Ad Events Offline Conversion Tracking

First Party Audience Targeting for Google Ads

First-party audience targeting in Google Ads involves using data collected directly from your interactions with customers or visitors to create highly customised and relevant advertising campaigns. This approach leverages the first-hand information gathered by your business—whether from CRM systems, website analytics, mobile app usage, or other direct customer engagements—allowing you to craft more effective and personalised strategies.

Also known as CRM retargeting, first-party audience targeting enhances your Google Ads campaigns by utilising your CRM data to develop highly targeted ads based on detailed customer profiles. By taking advantage of your CRM’s segmentation features, you can build customer lists and target specific groups with personalised messaging. Additionally, you can exclude certain lists to avoid audience overlap and improve the overall efficiency of your campaigns.

With first-party targeting, you can upload your CRM data to Google Ads, which allows you to:

  • Improve targeting by reaching known audiences directly or separately targeting cold traffic that has not yet engaged with your brand.
  • Engage warm audiences who are already familiar with your brand by delivering tailored messages for more impactful campaigns.

Using this data to create more precise ad campaigns leads to better performance and results. Moreover, excluding specific audiences helps further refine your targeting, ensuring your ads are shown to the right people at the right time.

Google Ads Audiences Zapier

Types of Google Ads Audiences

Customer Match

Google Ads Customer Match leverages data from CRM databases, such as email addresses, phone numbers, and physical addresses. This tool allows you to upload lists of your customers’ contact details, which Google uses to match with users logged into its services. As a result, you can target or retarget your customers across various Google platforms, including Search, Shopping, Gmail, YouTube, and the Display Network. This feature provides a powerful way to reconnect with your existing audience across multiple channels.

Website and App Remarketing:

Website and app remarketing uses data from users who visit your website or interact with your mobile app, tracking what pages they view and actions they take. By placing a Google Ads or Google Analytics tag on your website, you can collect this information to build remarketing lists. This allows you to deliver targeted ads to users who have previously engaged with your website or app but haven’t converted, encouraging them to complete their customer journey.

Offline Data Import:

Offline data import involves digitising information from in-store purchases or direct customer interactions. By capturing offline data, such as in-store sales or responses to direct mail, and importing it into Google Ads, you can create personalised ad campaigns based on your customers’ offline behaviour. This approach helps bridge the gap between online and offline interactions, allowing for more cohesive and effective marketing strategies.

CRM 1st-party Audiences - Using HubSpot as an example

Modern CRM’s have an extensive range of abilities to segment your contact database into segmented audiences that can be synched with Google Ads for targeting purposes. Lets look at a few examples of audiences that you can use a CRM to build. In this example, we have used HubSpot CRM.

Website Users:

Remarket to individuals who have visited your website, ensuring your ads reach those already familiar with your brand. These users are matched with their website cookie list, which is collected by the Google conversion tracking pixel or the HubSpot pixel.

Email Contact Lists:

Retarget your contact/email lists by segmenting them into audiences based on specific behaviours, preferences, or demographics. For example, you can upload your customer list to upsell or exclude them from cold traffic campaigns.

Lookalike Segment Audiences:

Build a cold audience of people who are most similar to your website visitors, email subscribers, and customer lists by matching them with LinkedIn’s user database through hashed encryption.

Lifecycle Stage Audiences:

Tailor your ads to different stages of the buyer’s journey. For instance, show introductory offers to new leads and premium service features to marketing-qualified leads (MQLs). Display top-of-the-funnel ads to new prospects who are not yet leads or past website visitors, and create specific adverts for each lifecycle stage of a new contact lead. Upsell to existing customers with targeted ads, encouraging repeat purchases or promoting complementary products and services. This approach ensures your advertising efforts are relevant and effective at every sales cycle stage.

Ads Interaction Audiences:

You can segment contacts in lists based on their ads interactions in ad networks including Google Ads, Facebook Ads and LinkedIn Ads.
Ad interactions include when users click on your ads or submit a form after they engaged with your ad. Each ads interaction filter represents a trackable ad interaction, such as identifying which contacts clicked through to your website from a specific Google Ads campaign.

Event-Based Audiences:

HubSpot’s event-based audiences allow you to target users based on their specific interactions with your website content, providing highly personalised and relevant marketing experiences. 

Target users based on their interactions with your website content, such as viewers of a certain page, webinar sign-up attendees, or those who downloaded a particular resource. For example, send an email automatically using a workflow to contacts when they return to your website.

Geographic Audiences:

Customise your ads based on the location of your audience to deliver region-specific offers or announcements using HubSpot properties such as city name or postal code to segment targeted lists. 

Demographic Audiences:

To effectively use Google Ads with HubSpot demographic targeting, start by collecting detailed demographic information from your audience, such as age, gender, location, and job title, through lead forms and CRM data integration. Next, create segmented lists in HubSpot based on these demographics, allowing for precise targeting. Sync these segmented lists with Google Ads to ensure your campaigns reach the desired demographic groups. Tailor your ad content to resonate with each segment by adjusting visuals, copy, and offers to match their specific preferences and needs. 

Buyer Persona Audiences:

You can segment your retargeting lists based on personas that you have created inside HubSpot to create more tailored ad content. 

Hyper-Targeting Audiences:

Depending on the sizes of your audiences, you can overlay multiple audiences to create hyper-targeted audiences. Just remember that Google Ads audiences do have minimum sizes due to privacy restrictions.

Google Display Network: Must have a minimum of 100 active visitors or users within the last 30 days.
Google Search Network: Must have a minimum of 1,000 active visitors or users within the last 30 days.
YouTube: Must have a minimum of 1,000 active visitors or users within the last 30 days.
Discovery Ads: Must have a minimum of 1,000 active visitors or users within the last 30 days.

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Improve Ad Measurement using UTM Tracking, Click ID & Enhanced Conversion Tracking

UTM tracking, along with Click IDs and enhanced conversion tracking for leads, offers a comprehensive approach to data accuracy and quality assurance, ensuring no critical identifiers are missed. These tools help match offline conversions to the original ad click, giving you a complete view of the customer journey.

Click IDs & Enhanced Conversion Tracking: In addition to UTM tracking, Google Click IDs (GCLIDs) and enhanced conversion tracking for leads act as crucial user identifiers. GCLIDs are unique identifiers generated for each ad click, helping track and attribute offline conversions back to the original interaction. Google Ads Enhanced conversion tracking goes a step further by securely matching first-party data, such as email addresses or phone numbers, to the original click. This ensures accurate tracking of offline conversions, providing a fuller picture of your ad performance.

UTM Tracking: Setting up UTM tracking is a simple, effective method to link your CRM data with Google Analytics and Google Ads. A UTM (Urchin Tracking Module) is a code added to your URLs, capturing detailed information about your campaigns. These UTMs are passed into your CRM, providing insight into campaign performance without heavy lifting. 
To ensure seamless integration, you must create corresponding fields in your CRM for the UTMs you track. For instance, if you use utm_campaign, make sure your CRM has a field designated for utm_campaign data.

By combining UTM tracking, Click IDs, and enhanced conversion tracking, you can achieve a higher level of accuracy in linking your online and offline data, improving campaign tracking and performance measurement across all stages of the customer journey.

Common Issues When Importing Offline Conversions

When importing offline conversions for the first time, it’s not unusual to encounter a few setbacks. After investing time into setting up offline conversion tracking, receiving an error message can be frustrating. Here are some common challenges and solutions to keep an eye on during the process:

1. Auto-Tagging Setup For Google Click ID (GCLID) tracking and enhanced conversion tracking for leads (1st party data matching) to work properly, auto-tagging must be enabled in your Google Ads account. To check this, navigate to your account settings and ensure auto-tagging is activated. When enabled, this feature appends the GCLID parameter to URLs clicked by users, allowing Google Ads to track which specific ad generated the visit. Auto-tagging is essential for conversion tracking to function correctly.

2. Hidden Form Fields Some CRMs require modifications to your page’s code to include hidden form fields that capture the GCLID and pass it to your CRM. This step is crucial for linking online ad clicks with offline conversions. Be sure to test that the GCLIDs are being properly captured and transferred to your CRM, as this data is essential for accurate offline conversion tracking.

**NEW: Google Ads Enhanced Conversion Tracking (ECT) is a newer method of tracking conversions. While it doesn’t completely replace Click IDs, which can still serve as a fallback tracking method, ECT allows offline conversions to be tracked even if Click IDs can’t be recorded. Unlike traditional methods requiring hidden form fields and JavaScript code to capture and append Click IDs, ECT simplifies the process, ensuring you can track conversions without additional coding on your website. However it is best to use both methods, and even server side tracking if possible. 

3. Incorrect Data Formatting One of the most frequent causes of errors during import is incorrect data formatting in the uploaded spreadsheet. Here are a few common formatting issues to be aware of:

  • Date and time formatting: Ensure that dates and times are formatted correctly, and that conversions are listed after the corresponding click date. Errors may occur if the conversion date precedes the click.
  • Timezone issues: Confirm that the correct timezone ID is being used, as mismatches can lead to errors.
  • Conversion values: Format the conversion value column as plain text. If it’s formatted as currency, the upload may fail.

4. Conversion Actions When importing your conversions, ensure that the appropriate conversion action for the offline conversion is correctly mapped to the conversion type. For example, if your conversion action is named “SQL” or “MQL,” it should correspond to a qualified lead.

By addressing these common issues and ensuring all steps are properly followed, you can smooth the process of importing offline conversions and avoid frustrating delays or errors.

Using a CRM with out of the box integration with Google Ads also simplifies the process, and also update with future changes automatically. 

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LinkedIn Ads & Facebook Ads CRM Integration

Integrating your CRM with Facebook Ads and LinkedIn Ads follows a similar process to Google Ads CRM integration, offering comparable benefits when connecting your first-party data across platforms.

Just like with Google Ads, the setup for Facebook and LinkedIn involves mapping key CRM data—such as lead information, sales stages, and customer interactions—into your advertising platform. This integration allows you to optimise your ad targeting and bidding strategies, ensuring you’re focusing on high-quality leads and maximising your return on investment.

The primary benefits of integrating your CRM with Facebook Ads and LinkedIn Ads include:

  1. Improved Lead Quality: By syncing your CRM data, you can target more qualified leads based on customer behaviour, interests, and buying stages, ensuring your campaigns reach the right audience.

  2. Enhanced Attribution: Integrating CRM data gives you a clearer view of which ads are driving actual sales, improving multi-touch attribution and helping you optimise future ad spend.

  3. Audience Retargeting: With first-party data from your CRM, you can retarget leads who have previously engaged with your brand, delivering personalised messaging that’s more likely to convert.

  4. Optimised Bidding Strategies: Much like Google Ads, the integration allows AI tools on Facebook and LinkedIn to fine-tune your bid strategies, focusing on leads more likely to result in conversions based on past CRM data.

In essence, integrating your CRM with Facebook Ads and LinkedIn Ads not only streamlines campaign management but also boosts overall effectiveness, ensuring you stay ahead in an increasingly data-driven advertising landscape. 
Want to learn more? See our blog post guides: How to integrate LinkedIn Ads with your CRM, as well as how to integrate Facebook Ads with your CRM.


Integrating your CRM with Google Ads is a powerful way to unlock the full potential of your advertising campaigns. By connecting the two platforms, you can improve targeting, track offline conversions, and optimise ad spend based on lead quality and customer lifecycle data. Whether you’re a start-up using Zapier for a cost-effective solution or a more established company seeking to leverage premium CRM tools beyond starter editions of HubSpot or Salesforce, this integration can dramatically improve your advertising results and ROI.

The right integration method will depend on your business size, advertising budget, and technical capabilities. However, by understanding the options available—whether it’s using a marketing automation system, combining Zapier with native CRM tools, or even using Google’s API—you can ensure your advertising is supported by data-driven decisions, providing a more personalised and effective customer experience.

Next Steps

📞 Ready to Unleash the Power of Google Ads CRM Integration? 

Book a free consultation with our expert consultants and see how we can transform your Google advertising campaigns from cost-per-lead into revenue-generating machines. We’ll advise on all your CRM integration options and provide tailored strategic advice to supercharge your results. Take the first step toward the future of advertising now! 🚀

Further Reading

Picture of Liam Holmes

Liam Holmes

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