Our free Google Ads Data Studio template report can can be copied to your own account in seconds. Then attach to your data set and the report will update automatically each day!

At the time of writing, Google Data Studio is still in beta as for most advertisers (non-paid edition). Finally, Google has an advanced reporting design tool for Google Ads (formerly AdWords). In Google’s defence (!)- they have now built a fantastic product- which can also be used with Google Analytics, as well as third-party systems like Facebook and Bing Ads. It is also possible to use multiple data sources in one report for a single view of your advertising and website.

After searching in Google for some premade templates to save us time setting these up, we only found one-page templates.  Using these for inspiration we created a 10-page report that can be used on any Google Ads account. This free 10+page template is available below to be downloaded and copied for your own Google Ads account. This free Google Ads report template can also be downloaded as a PDF report, and be setup to be automatically emailed to you automatically on a weekly basis. 

Video Overview

Report Pages

Page One- Live Dashboard Report of Google Data Studio

The example screenshot of the pages is for lead generation. This is page1 of the 10-page Google Ads Data Studio report template.

The calendar in the top right-hand corner of each page can be changed- making the report live and dynamic for any date range.

Page 2 (tab two from the drop down list) is the Score Card KPI Summary. The calendar date ranges in the left-hand corner can be set for any date period. The score metrics will then adjust automatically for the selected date range.

On the right-hand side are fixed date widgets to show comparatives. These metrics include cost- and cost/converted click. This is for lead generation- but can be changed to cost/conversion value- which is the calculated metric for ROAS.

KPI Summary: Data Studio for Google Ads

The date can be changed in the top right-hand corner. Below the date is comparatives that will automatically recalculated based on the calendar date range.

Campaigns Report.

This has a summary of the campaigns. The table fields can be sorted like Excel by clicking on the header columns.

Geolocation Report

The Geo location report is organised by cities but can be changed to country level if you are targeting internationally. This is lead generation focused. You do need to change the map location to your target country or countries). See cost per lead/sale and cost by locations city or towns, or even international.

Keywords Report

The keywords report has pie charts which can be changed by value, label, etc.

On the right-hand side are filters which can be used to drill down by campaign type, campaign, city or device. This filter widget is included on some of the other page reports.

Ad Groups Report

The Ad groups report is similar to the keywords report giving a summary breakdown table with charts.

Device Performance

The device performance page tab is useful for bidding on device- by comparing performance by device- as well as understanding website performance by device.

Hour of the Day Stats

The hour of the day report shows if performance varies by the hour of the day. Again useful for bid adjustments

Monthly Stats Page of Report

The monthly stats report is like the daily stats. Both reports can be viewed over a longer period of data such as all time, or last quarter- using the calendar.

Daily Stats Page of GDS Report

Daily stats gives a better understanding of performance variations by day- as with the monthly and hourly report.

Lead Generation vs. E-commerce installation

The report templates can accommodate both professional services companies and e-commerce companies, for lead generation (services) and e-commerce  (products, subscriptions) websites.

The tables do include some e-commerce metrics like total conversion value, and revenue/cost (ROAS). This metric can also be used for lead generation to score leads differently based on different types of conversions completed. These conversion value metrics appear on the right side of each chart. 

The report examples below are primarily for Lead Generation- companies that sell services. However, it does also include e-commerce metrics like ROAS (Conv. value / cost, or Revenue/Cost). The widgets are easy to customise if any more e-commerce metrics are required. We shall also create a dedicated e-commerce version soon.

Setup Instructions

  1. Click on the datastudio URL link to open.
  2. You will have view only access to the template that allows you to view the report, and also view dataset. (You only need view access). 
  3. Copy this template by clicking File on menu bar, then make copy. 
  4. Attach a Data Source to the copied report. You can create a datasource before copying the data studio template or afterwards.
  5. Go through the report and make sure that each page has the correct page and report settings
  6. If by chance you get still getting errors, some widgets are still not updated- just click on these and make sure a data source . This should automatically update with your default report Google Ads data source. (you can also select your Google Ads data source)
 (The standard procedure of copying templates and changing datasets are available from various sources across the internet including Google). 

Copy our free Google Ads Template Data Studio Report

The templates are stored on Google’s servers at datastudio.google.com. When you copy the template, a clone of the report template will appear within your account of Google Data Studio. Your Google account then has its own report template. This will allow you to edit the report template, or make another copy of it before editing. View only access is enough to copy the report and view the current dataset. You then need to attach the report to your own dataset.

Free Google Analytics Template

We also have a free 25+ page Google Analytics Data Studio template.  For more information on Google’s Youtube channel and Google Data Studio Help Centre Website

If you need any help customising or making changes request a free quote from an expert PPC agency!

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Further Reading

Picture of Liam Holmes

Liam Holmes

24 thoughts on “Adwords Data Studio Template Report (Free Google Ads)”

  1. Wow! This is awesome and has saved me a tonne of time learning Data Studio and setting one up from scratch. Thanks so much for sharing this. Respect!

  2. This is really helpful.
    One problem I found, on page one, is that the colour scheme assigned to each device in the doughnut chart does not tie up with source data. For example, in Device Breakdown, mobile traffic is correctly reported by way of percentage but the colouration represents “computers” and not mobile devices. I don’t see a way to fix this.

    1. Hi Tanner,

      You can use the copy icon in the top right corner, the icon that looks like two sheets of paper.
      It is best to first create a dataset for AdWords. Then copy the template and attach to your dataset.

      The arrow icon in the top right makes it possible to download all pages as a PDF report if you want an offline version. This is static- unlike the online version.

      Best Regards

      1. Hi Liam,
        I also stumbled upon this and it looks incredibly helpful, however I see what Tanner was saying. When I click on either of the links, it opens the Data Studio itself, not the actual report. Is there a direct link you have? Or was it removed?

  3. Hi Liam,
    I also stumbled upon this and it looks incredibly helpful, however I see what Tanner was saying. When I click on either of the links, it opens the Data Studio itself, not the actual report. Is there a direct link you have? Or was it removed?

  4. Great reports. Thank you. When I start using my adwords data, I am getting many of the charts as Invalid Dimension / Metric. Is there something I am going wrong or need to adjust?

    1. Hi Chris,

      If you can open up your dataset for Google Ads. When this error happens, it is typically the dataset that is empty.
      You can try refreshing the dataset to pull the information from the data source.
      After refreshing, close out of the dataset and then open again to make sure it has the data.

      Best Regards

  5. This report is awesome but for some reason i get an invalid metric on the ROAS data, which is quite key to the report for me. The ROAS metric not being there knocks out whole tables, for example the campaigns report.

    All the rest of my data seems to be fine, do you know why the ROAS would be invalid?

    1. Hi Adrian,

      That metric is no longer available, and since been replaced with cost/revenue (or cost/value as it is known within Google Ads). The new template we created is up to date with the changes.

  6. This is a great data studio template. but on-page keyword reports my data can’t show as in demo data. the dashboard is “no data” but the metric and data dimension exists. can you find how to fix this ?

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